A little about me…

Photo courtesy of my husband during a Christmas meal out in 2022

Hi! I’m Laura Jones, a 46 year old who lives in the North East of England in the city of Sunderland with my wonderful husband. As well as this blog, I run my little planner goodies Etsy shop called LJ Designs NE where I sell handmade clip on charms, decorative keyrings and cute paperclips. I also work at my local university with a range of medical students (trainee paramedics, nurses, pharmacists, doctors, sports & rehab and so on) supporting them to develop their communication and clinical skills by playing different patient roles and teaching them about my lived experience of physical and mental health conditions.

When I’m not hard at work on the above, I love to go to gym classes including Clubbercise, Zumba, yoga and Pilates. I also do all sorts of creative bits and pieces in my planner (currently a bullet journal) and Traveler’s notebook whilst also trying to grab as much quality time with my family as I can.

I’m a keen amateur photographer and love exploring nature by visiting my local parks and gardens. I document my life by taking lots of shots with my DSLR and more informal snaps with my phone. You can see some of my unfiltered images on my Instagram account or occasionally on Facebook.

On this blog, you can expect to see how I’m currently using my Bullet Journal, creative projects I’m busy with, plus mental health and wellness posts, productivity ideas and general updates about me.

I’m looking forward to sharing with you and hope you love my content. I would be interested to hear your comments and any questions you may have (either on here or by contacting me via email).

Thanks for reading!